Wednesday, January 19, 2005

"It's Pink, and It's Scented"

I have to go down to the unemployment office tomorrow and take some class on "How To Get A Job" or some such thing. These things are absolutely wasted on me as I can get a job by telling LG that I'm available. It's just not that hard for me, considering what I do. There aren't that many payroll accountants and there are even fewer who like the job enough to stay with it and get really good - not to boast but I am one of those people. I like my job and I'm good at it. True, sometimes I hate it more than cantaloupe (blech!) - the days when I'm stuck there for 14 hours, the days when people get in my face cause they think I've shorted them on their checks, the days when nobody seems to be able to fill out the damn paperwork, including the DGA. But most of the time I'm quite content with my profession.

But the point is that I'm unemployed every 6 or 9 months or so and I always file for unemployment for the 2 or 3 weeks between shows. This time I've been off since the beginning of December and they've busted me with a seminar. I have to polish up my resume and fill out a form with the details of my job hunt. What job hunt? I've worked straight through for over 15 months and I totally planned on taking this time off. Doesn't sound like a long time, but that's 15 months of 60+ hour weeks (sometimes 72+ hour weeks) with no break except for the 2 weeks I needed to deal with my mother-in-law's death and funeral (not what I'd call a vacation).

Whatever - I'm going. I can't risk this messing up my future claims so I'll be there bright and early with my papers in hand, trying not to look bored. Hopefully it won't last too long. Target is having their white sale and I've got a gift card from one of my brothers and his wife. I'm getting new towels! Not really that exciting, but I haven't had new towels in a while and I'm changing the color scheme of the bathroom. Going with blue this time. It'll match the glass accent tiles I put in when we had to replace the shower.

Still don't know how the husband feels about Sped. Hey, would you let me know already? I need to know that things are ok between you two. You're my husband, she's my best friend, I need for things to work out.

I don't know if things are going to get better with us, but the husband finally made a decision about his career. I was afraid to hear it at first, because when he said he'd made a decision, I didn't know what it was about and I just knew he was going to leave me. But he said he'd decided that he wanted this more than anything he'd ever wanted and he was going to go after it. I was so happy I cried. It doesn't mean he believes he can do it, but he's going to go after it. We'll work on the belief thing.

I can't believe Bush is our president again. I wonder if I can find a black armband for tomorrow...

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