Sunday, July 02, 2006


I'm sitting at my desk, preparing to do the payroll for EA. I'm not looking forward to it because it's been since February/March and SoaP since I did real payroll, not just prep and wrap stuff. Plus, I don't see the timecards from set. I think they're in the production office which is in the next trailer. I'm going to do the stuff on my desk first, then I'll have to call security to come down and open the prod office for me.

I have heard some interesting stories on this one...
- there was a bike shop going out of business in the town in Virginia where they were shooting and the director decided to buy everyone on the crew a bike. Everyone.
- a baboon freaked out one day and knocked down one of the child actors - they think it may have seen it as either a playmate or a threat, since it was the same size.
- a transpo van hit a bear.
- some teenagers thought it would be cool to light up a joint while checking out the set. They decided the police officer working security was a fake (all cops on movie sets are fakes, apparently) - they got arrested.

If I hear more I'll pass them along.

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