Thursday, July 27, 2006


I went in to tell my boss about the phone call I got for Dallas and she told me Mo had asked me to call. Mo is another acct I've worked with, but she's only recently moved up to being the key acct. She had called me while I was still in Santa Fe to do an Eddie Murphy movie in Rhode Island. Well, it turns out that didn't go as planned and they're doing it with a different studio in Shreveport. The timing works out really well with EA and the husband and I are really considering me taking it.

So we were talking about it last night and I commented I didn't want to take as much stuff with me as I did to Santa Fe. The husband said he didn't think I'd taken that much, but I mulled it over and finally realized what I'd meant. I don't want to take as much of ME... I have 3 months before I'd have to go and I want to lose as much weight as I can before then. I need to lose 40-50 pounds total, but I'd like to lose at least 20 before November. I haven't been trying that hard but maybe this is the motivation I need. I didn't have any nice clothes in SF but I have drawers full of cute stuff I can't fit into right now - I want that to change.

I think I'm going to follow the WW plan, but not go to meetings. I know how the system works but going to weigh-in just doesn't appeal right now. I'm debating posting the real numbers on the blog, but I don't think I'm ready for that yet. Maybe just a pounds lost running total...

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