Wednesday, June 07, 2006

This Couldn't Have Happened Last Week?

I got a call from B this morning - her payroll person gave notice and she wanted me to come over and finish for her. I tried telling her no, that I had taken another gig, but she kind of brushed me off, saying I hadn't started yet and they'd understand. I told her I had to talk to the husband. I had no intention of backing out on EA, but as I told the husband I could offer to help B next week (only) since I was here anyway. He said not to, that B had never gone out of her way to help me. But I didn't want to burn any bridges so I ended up making the offer. We'll see what happens. When I asked my UG boss if she knew of available payroll people, she said she'd ask around. I casually mentioned B asking me to take over and having to say no because of the other gig and my boss commented that I shouldn't flake on EA, that B should understand because she wouldn't want me doing that to her. That pretty much crystalized it for me. I didn't realize until then that I was mad at B for asking me to go back on my word to EA.

Of course, that didn't stop me from colluding with my boss from Dupree - she sent an email to my EA boss, telling her she'd gotten me to jump ship for her new show, claiming not to know who I was bailing on... luckily they're very good friends. I don't know if the EA boss will fall for it, especially since we fooled her while on Dupree into believing I'd become a heavy drinker who couldn't do my job anymore...

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