Thursday, June 15, 2006


I made it home about 3:30 yesterday afternoon. It was so nice to finally pull into the garage and just be home...

The drive from Santa Fe went fairly well. Because the furniture guys came early, I got to hit the road about 3:15. We made it to Flagstaff and I got checked into the hotel and got the cats and Hamilton unloaded, ate some dinner, and went to bed.

While getting ready to leave the hotel, I spent about 15 minutes rounding up cats - Darby being the easiest to catch as she walked up to me while I was sitting in front of the carriers. Quincy I scared from under the bed to under the desk where I was able to scoop him up. Baxter was more difficult. I ended up having to pick up the bed to get him to come out. He tried hiding behind the trash can in the bathroom, but I unhooked his claws from the carpeting and got him loaded, too. I did find a brand new issue of Hustler between the mattress and the box springs while I was shifting the bed. Makes you not want to think too hard about sleeping in a hotel bed.

Anyway, there were a lot of deer and elk crossing signs around Flagstaff and I do believe I saw the remnants of something of that nature trying to cross the road. There was a DOT service truck on the left shoulder, and I saw the biggest roadkill I'd ever seen in my life, along with a huge bloodstain. I'd hate to see the vehicle that got hit, considering the condition of the animal (I think elk by the size and color).

Anyway, I listened to an audio book for most of the trip - Fluke by Christopher Moore. It was pretty funny and the constant sound of a voice kept the kitties quiet most of the time.

Today I get to unpack the car and try to get the suitcases and boxes unpacked, too. That's always the hardest part for me, getting everything back into it's place. I have to stay focused, though, because when that's doen I'm going to do my spring cleaning and try and weed out at least 30% of the crap I own.

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