Thursday, June 22, 2006


I haven't heard from Sped whether or not they got the dog. Hopefully she'll let all of us know pretty soon.

I had a contractor come in this morning and take a look at our bathrooms. I want to have them redone and needed to find out what kind of money we're looking at. He seemed like a nice guy and he was recommended by N&J, so that's good. I realized talking to him that although I know what I want to accomplish, I have no idea what I want the final outcome to look like. Bit of an issue, there. For the guest bath, I want to hide the litter box and for the master bath, I want a soaking tub. That's about as far as I get...

I got my invite for the cast and crew screening of Dupree. It's on July 11th and I think I can make it - it's right around the corner at Universal Citywalk. The billboards are going up all over town and while it's a nice picture, it makes Hudson's nose look very pointy.

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