Saturday, June 10, 2006

Last Days in Santa Fe

So I've made some plans for myself for my last days in town. Yesterday I killed time with K before she left, which meant having lunch, shopping on the plaza, buying pottery and shoes, and having gelato (man, that stuff's good!). I then went home and had dinner and watched Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be...

Today I got up and started the laundry and packed up all my clothes, books, and non-essentials. I also packed up everything that needed to go to Goodwill. Then I went to the aformentioned lunch. I came home, did more laundry, surfed the net, then loaded up the car and took the stuff to Goodwill. Then I got a mani-pedi with French tips on both fingers and toes.

Tomorrow I'm getting up early and going to Bandelier National Monument. They open at 8 and I plan on being the 1st one in - I heard it gets crowded. I don't think I'll be there more than an hour or so, but I'm leaving it open. I do want to try and catch the train ride at 2pm. It's the short route that goes to a scenic overlook, but it's a restored train and it might be fun.

Monday I was going to go to Tent Rocks, but I have to wait for a package and it may be too hot later in the day. Then again, sweating would be good for me. I suppose I could go to Tent Rocks tomorrow and the monument on Monday...

Tuesday will be spent washing the sheets and loading up the car. After the furniture is gone, I'll pack up the kitties and we'll be off. I think I'll drive at least as far as Gallup, maybe Flagstaff. I'm kind of glad I have some free time to get everything together and still do some sight-seeing, but now that it's so close, I want to go home.

(I brought Hamilton home with me on Friday and to keep him safe from the cats, I put him on top of the fridge. Didn't realize until today that it's cold up there. I went to feed him and he barely moved, much less went after the pellets. Now he's sitting on the shelf in the closet.)

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