Wednesday, May 30, 2007


The CNN website usually has a poll asking some "relevant" question about the day's news, usually with 2 options. I wish they had a permanent 3rd option where you could indicate "I couldn't care less about this issue". That's the one I would pick almost all the time.

Has Britney hit rock bottom? Who gives a shit?

Sometimes I get caught up in my job and how cool it is to be dealing with famous people. Today I sent paperwork for Will Smith to fill out so I can pay him. Wow - Will Smith. Then I realized this is probably as close to him as I will get - I won't even be able to say for sure he fills out/signs his own stuff. So while my job has its cool moments, pushing paperwork isn't one of them.

I'll let you know if I do get to meet him...

Fark has a thread going about boobs and I have to say I posted a comment. A woman was talking about having cleavage envy and I totally get that. I wish I could get that look but the girls just don't want to play along. I'm happy with my size, I just wish they were firmer and perkier. Maybe if I got a better bra...

And apparently there are women in the world who don't know if they can lick their own nipple. How can you not know that? As much as I hated KIA, I miss the office full of women where I could just open up that discussion and everyone would join in. I've gotten enough weird looks in this office to mostly keep my mouth shut about everything except the most innocuous. Bummer.

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