Thursday, May 03, 2007

How I Spent Wednesday

Why You Really Shouldn't Get Into It With Film-Chick.

I wanted you to know that while cleaning my files, I filled in your birth year (it's required). Even though you took the time to white out your birthdate, it's common knowledge that Arizona driver's licenses expire when you turn 65. Since I have access to a calculator, I did the math. Really, how vain is it to hide your age? 54 is not that old.

An Arizona drivers license is issued for 25 years, mine does not expire at age 65. I never fill in my birth year because of age discrimination against women. Many women do it. You have assumed incorrectly, F-C, and I did not give you permission to adjust my paperwork. Is it the payroll accountant's job to judge vanity, too? My, my.

It's my job to make sure the paperwork is filled out correctly and your fear of age discrimination cannot get in the way of me doing my job. Many of the things you have done on this show got in my way, but this will not be one of them.

The license may have been issued for 25 years at some point, but now it is issued until the age of 65 (see Section 2, page 7 of the Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide). If you were in a group who got a license before that went into effect, then so be it - I don't really care. I stand by the date I put on the I9. And unlike you, I did not attempt to disguise the fact that I added info to/"altered" your paperwork and I did not try to hide it from you. So permission be damned.

Saying that "many women" do it is a pathetic excuse akin to being a child and whining that all your friends are doing it. It's a legal document and must be filled out completely. Some studios will not allow a person to remain employed for something as stupid as being afraid to put down a birthdate (and yes, I speak from personal experience of having to tell a hair person to either fill it out or go home).

As for judging vanity, I did that as a woman - it had nothing to do with being the payroll accountant.

And if a license really is issued for 25 years, why is yours only good for 21? Maybe you should have thought that one out a little more...

I take full responsibility for not putting my birth year on my I9. I stand by my intent and if you impose false information on my I9, I will provide guidance from an authority who can help me demonstrate my rights as an American citizen. It is against the law to force an American citizen to prove they are an American citizen, which is a catch 22 when a company requests information on an I9.

I feel you have been quite impertinent towards me. This is a prime example. As you have expressed no comradery as a co-worker, I know you only as a payroll person, therefore, I take exception with your need to vilify my character.

It feels to me that you do care in some obtuse way you care about me, as you have spent so much time to judge me. But I feel you have (below) expressed a need justify you meddlesome bully tactics. I feel sorry for you, F-C, and I forgive you.

Oh CM, where to begin...
An I9 does not attempt to prove you are an American citizen. It proves you are eligible to be employed in the USA. Maybe you can have your authority explain that to you more fully.

I don't really care if you choose not to fill out your paperwork completely. The fact you are going to take responsibility for it surprises me, because it'll be about the only thing on this show for which you haven't tried to throw someone else under the bus.

I'm upset you think I'm being impertinent because I was going for rude. In all the years I've done this job I have always felt that people in higher positions than mine deserved my respect even if I didn't like them. You were the exception. There was nothing about your job performance that demonstrated to me you were even slightly capable of fulfilling the tasks your title required of you. Sure, you directed traffic around a condor and found a sound case, but those are not job descriptions of a Production Supervisor.

I do not care about you CM except to note your name as someone to avoid at all costs in the future and to make sure you know that there are people in the film industry who do not think you are capable of doing the work for which you are paid - it has nothing to do with your character. I don't care about your forgiveness and will sleep soundly at night just knowing I don't ever have to work with you again.

Done and done.

(I haven't done anything to the emails except adjust the names).

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