Monday, August 22, 2005

Dogs That Hump

I took Sofie to the dog park last night. She looked so bored I just couldn't stand it anymore. Sad to say, it didn't turn out as well as I had hoped...

There were a lot of dogs there, at least 50. As soon as we got in the gate, Sofie was accosted by a Boston terrier and a brown scruffy mutt. Both of the made it their mission to hump her. I pulled them off and finally managed to pick her up, both of the boys jumping on me to try and get to her. I would walk away, then put her down and they would show up and start all over.

The owner of the scruffy finally showed up as I was once again pulling him off Sofie and actually asked me if she was going into heat. I just stood there looking at him until I managed to say she was fixed. He decided the boys were trying to "assert their dominance." Whatever. It's not like Sofie isn't the most passive, pathetic dog out there. She tends to just lay down and show her belly first thing.

So I pick her up and walk her to the other end of the park, where things go much better for a while. Then the scruffy finds us again and as I'm pulling him off of Sofie, I hear the owner yelling at me from across the park "let me do that, please let me do that." He's still saying it as he finally makes it to where we are. My comment is to say "Yeah, I couldn't wait that long." He grabs his dog by the cheeks and starts yelling at him to stop it. The dog actually yelps during this.

So, Sofie and I head off to another spot where she starts playing with scruffy's sister. At least, I think it's playing. They're running and jumping and all the other sorts of stuff dogs do. Now, I know that dogs play rougher than people do and that what we may think of as abusive is nothing to them. But when my dog jumps into my arms to get away from another dog, that's not playing.

If you take your dog to the park, keep an eye on it. If someone else's dog has to suffer while you make your way over, then maybe you should monitor more closely and gossip less.

If I see those 2 dogs again, I'm going to do whatever I need to do to keep Sofie happy. Damn the owner.

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