Saturday, August 06, 2005

Big Bear

The husband and I took Sofie up to Big Bear on Thursday. It turned out to be a great trip, although it started out badly. The Jeep sprang a leak (radiator) and started overheating pretty badly. We had to backtrack down to a gas station and buy some coolant. Everything eventually went back to normal and we made it up the mountain. It was cool and rainy up there, but that was a nice change of pace from home. Sofie seemed to enjoy it, but it could just be she was glad to get out of the car. That was the longest car ride she'd ever taken and while she did really well, she wasn't thrilled.

We took her down to the lake to see if she liked the water. She was hesitant at first, not sure what to do. But I walked out with her and she got used to it pretty quick. She even laid down in the water! Then she noticed the ducks and seemed to think barking at them would make them come closer. I think she would have tried to swim out to them if I had let her. But not gonna happen. We took her back to the cabin and tried to dry her off, but she still smells a bit like the lake.

The trip home wasn't a lot of fun. We kept stopping to put coolant in the car and since we didn't want to make it worse, we barely ran the A/C even though it was 100 degrees in the Inland Empire. Sofie was sleepy and panty almost the whole way. We took the Jeep over to the shop, but we haven't heard what the problem is or how much it'll cost to fix. Maybe we'll end up getting the new car sooner rather than later...

KB from my new show called on Friday to tell me where the office was and how to get on the lot. He seems like a nice guy - we'll see. I hope he's not one of those people who think payroll answers to the first. I hate that. But I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. He did ask for a recommendation for a 2nd and I gave him Nancy's info. I hope it works out - it'd be great to work with her again.

Got to go now - Target and Ralph's are calling. I have to get cat food. I ran out putting extra food down for our Big Bear trip and they ate most of it - furry little pigs. I had to put out treats last night and that always ends badly.

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