Thursday, January 31, 2008


They are casting for High School Musical 3 on the same floor as my new office. I wasn't sure what it was because the signs only said HSM 3 and since I'm old it didn't register. Today the signs are spelled out. I should have figured it out yesterday when I kept hearing people singing... There are a couple of other casting offices on this floor and it's fun to walk past them on the way to get water or use the restroom - they're so eager and nervous and diligently going over their lines. I always wonder if they hope/fear I'm someone who could affect their career.

There goes the singing again. At least it's good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So can you steal me anything HSM3 for my 8 and 5 year-olds? They would absolutely worship you! P.S. Happy B-day!!!