Friday, January 18, 2008


I know my posts aren't all that interesting, but it doesn't really matter since I don't think I have any regular readers. One thing I am proud of is the fact I manage to post something almost every day (helps that I work on a computer for 10-12 hours a day). I read some other blogs that are good, but if they don't post on a regular basis I get bored with them.

Anyway, got the Vespa towed into the shop this morning. I was embarrassed to tell the guy it hadn't been ridden in a while but I can't help that I work an hour away in crappy traffic and it's cold/rainy out. I hope it's just a dead battery.

I've started packing up my office. Mostly just the toys and frivolous stuff so far. I did toss a few old memos but most of it will have to wait until next week. I wonder if I should cull the toy herd a bit. I'll have to see how many boxes I end up with.

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