Thursday, September 06, 2007

What Stress?

My doctor appt didn't go so well this morning. We went early to fill out paperwork but they weren't open yet. We stood in the hall for 10 minutes then knocked and got let in.

The 1st guy asked me questions that I had already answered on the paperwork, then didn't write down the answers to some other questions. He took my blood pressure and it was 140/90, which is high for me.

The 2nd guy - Mike - was abrupt and dismissive and I didn't like him. He got me hooked up for the stress test and took an ultrasound of my heart. Then he took my blood pressure again before starting the actual stress test and this time it was 170/110. Way too high for them to do the test.

The doctor finally came in and asked me questions that I'd already answered and basically told me they couldn't do anything today with a pressure that high. She gave me some hypertension drugs and told me to come back next Friday and they'd try again. I got a call from her later telling me to lay off the boot camp and take an aspirin every day, too.

Damn, I wanted so badly to get back to working out. I feel like such a slug when I can't. This damn medication I'm on is all to blame. It's the reason my bp is up, more than the fact I'm 36.

So next Friday I have a noon appt and I have to run around the building a few times and get my heart rate up, then rush upstairs and get my bp taken immediately. Then maybe they can do the damn test.

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