Thursday, September 08, 2005

Blog Spam

It's so hard to tell if someone has sent a real comment or just spam. I was excited yesterday to see that I had 3 comments, only to realize that 1 of them was just spam. Then I went home and the husband told me the other 2 were spam as well. I'm still not sure what to think. My ego wants to believe they are for real.

So far, the only people I know of who've written that absoluetly weren't spammers are Sped and the nice woman from Kansas. Which is fine. At least they seem to like what I'm talking about or have a question. Yes, I'd like to know more people are reading (haven't you read my bio?) besides my sister SID and the husband. But if that's the sum of my audience, so be it. I just don't want anybody's time wasted with spam.

Speaking of which, we're thinking of supplementing our income by taking Spam and peanut butter to Hawaii and selling it. We've heard the former is hugely popular and the latter is very expensive...

And Sofie ate 3 books yesterday. I took pictures of the one the husband didn't clean up. Just have to get the photos posted and we'll log Destructo's reign of terror.

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