Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Voting Enabled

I walked down to the elementary school this morning and voted. I had pretty much made up my mind over the past week who I wanted to vote for and I even took the time to look at the different propositions in the state and make decisions on those. I felt mature and prepared which is almost too much for 8am.

The polling place was dead when I went in - no lines or anything. They didn't even check my ID which is probably an issue. It was actually more difficult to figure out how to get my paper ballot scanned than anything else - they should have had a diagram or something.

I've done my part - now I'll have to see what happens come November.


blusurfer said...

Yay for voting! I love voting in California, where there are a gazillion polling places and practically no lines. I remember going home from college to vote (was registered at the parents' house) and having to wait at least an hour and a half.

BTW, checking for ID when voting is illegal.

film-chick said...

Really? I had no idea. I wonder how many people try and cheat the system then...