Monday, February 11, 2008

My Weekend

I've put the word out on needing a house/cat sitter for the month of March so the husband can join me in Boston w/o having to drive cross-country with a dog and 3 cats in the car (by himself). There's still a chance I will be able to drive with him, but I can't make any guarantees yet. There are a couple of leads so we'll have to keep out fingers crossed.

Went out to dinner with C and T on Friday - good times. T tried to get the waiter to sing Amazing Grace but he declined. She kept at him for a while and basically held up our drink order but we finally got her to let it go. She thought we were at Macaroni Grill (where they do sing) but we were at Marmalade (where they don't).

My seafood pasta was good but their filet mignon tacos were not - the meat was dry and tough and very disappointing. I liked it as a whole but thought it was a bit pricey for regular visits.

The rest of the weekend went pretty well. I got a lot of chores done that had been piling up. Beside the regular laundry and grocery shopping, I got the patio cleaned up, some plants repotted, the bathroom cleaned, the bedroom vacuumed, the orignal artwork hung, the books and dvd's shelved, and a pile of papers sorted. I still have stuff to do but it doesn't seem so overwhelming now.

And this morning I finally put the case of Alpo out by the dumpster (it wasn't good on Sofie's digestive system). It was gone by the time we got back from our walk...

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