Sunday, October 14, 2007


4 reasons why I'm pissed off and I've barely started working...

1) I don't know what my assistant does all day on Friday when I'm not here but it doesn't seem like much. I didn't leave him with a lot to do and while all the important things are done, it doesn't look like he got to anything extra. You can't tell me the filing and the PA adjustments took ALL DAY.

2) I got a note saying the UPM is coming in tonight and I should leave the payroll outside his office - no taking the work home for me today.

3) The football (the file full of all the papers from the set, including the timecards) is not in the office. I had to call the Production Office Coordinator to ask where it is. Well, it's out at Gate 2 because she didn't want to wait for it on Friday because it was late and it was raining... Now I have to go and get the crap.

4) The stack of start cards is over 3 inches think and most of these people probably started on Monday. I hate when they don't turn the stuff in right away. We could have gotten through most of this during the week. Bastards.

1 comment:

blusurfer said...

Don't you just love days where you have a reason to hate people?

Hi! :-D