Sunday, July 29, 2007

How To Piss Off A Star

There's a bit of tension on set...

Normally, the DP (director of photography) watches rehearsal and sets up the lights accordingly. It seems our DP has been doing it differently - he's been blocking out the action with the standin and basing his lighting on that. Well, one day SJ came to set and the DP says to the standin "why don't you show Sam what we worked out."

You can imagine Sam was not happy. A famous actor, making millions of dollars, being shown his movements by the standin (who'd been instructed by the DP). Ummmm, so not gonna happen. Sam was very clear when he said "Let me tell you how this works. I come up with the actions and you light them." Ever since then, Sam's been a bit more difficult with the DP. Luckily he's pretty good with the rest of the crew.

Also, one night everybody got together and decided to rewrite the ending. Then, they decided to shoot both endings. Then, they decided to stick to the original script. Then, they decided to go with the new ending. I'm still not sure what they got on film.

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