Sunday, November 20, 2005

Who's Not Getting Paid This Week?

Because I have less than 3 days this coming week to get paychecks ready, we sent out a memo telling the crew that anybody who didn't have their time card in my office by today would not get paid until after Thanksgiving. I just can't have the usual dawdlers showing up late Monday or even Tuesday, expecting to get paid on time. I'm really hoping everybody heeded the message, because I know there's at least one group and 2 people I haven't seen yet... I don't feel too bad about the 2 people, but it sucks for the group - the best boy turns in their timecards so it won't even be their fault if they don't get paid.

Anyway, gonna be a long day as I have to have everything done before I leave tonight. Otherwise, what's the point of the memo?

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