Friday, November 04, 2005

On Set

Went to set yesterday to pay everybody, but nothing interesting happened. I got there during lunch and left right when they were going back to work. Boring.

Nancy told me that when Douglas passed her in the parking lot on our first visit to set, he was sucking his teeth (well, making a noise like he was sucking his teeth). Good to know he's human.

I was reading girlfiend's blog the other day and she linked to a blog called "Overheard in Philly". It was pretty funny and I was thinking someone should start one for LA. It might be interesting, but a lot of the time people are talking smoke about "deals" and other industry crap, so it may turn into one big lie.

Did I mention that I thought I saw Pam Anderson outside a Coffee Bean in Toluca Lake? The husband and I were going to get haircuts and there "she" was. I have to admit I tried to confirm her identity by looking at her chest, but the way she was sitting made it hard to tell. We turned around so the husband could see, but he said it wasn't her. Either way, she looked a lot like Pam without all the glamour.

We've got Harry Dean Stanton on our show - I haven't seen his deal to see who he's playing. But I love that guy!

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