Sunday, November 16, 2008


The fires aren't really near us, but the smoke is affecting the whole valley to the point we didn't take Sofie to the dog park today. The air quality is just bad enough to be uncomfortable and having her running around in it probably wasn't a good idea.

I did go out to a Clean House yard sale. They've started listing them on their website and it shows. There was a crowd of people waiting to get in and once you did, you could barely turn around. If I go to anymore I'll wait and go later in the day. It's not like they had anything I wanted anyway. I've got a pretty specific list of stuff that I want and I don't see the point in wasting money on stop-gap stuff.

How cool is it that Obama is going on YouTube? I finally got a chance to watch his address and I really feel like it's an opportunity to bring the country together in a new way. I know Presidents have always done radio addresses, but I couldn't tell you one person I know of who's ever listened to one. I just hope he uses them for more than just flag-waving and dishing out the party line.

The only other thing I managed today was painting another portion of the living room before I ran out of paint. All that's left is the wall right behind the tv and dvd's, which will have to be packed up and moved before I can paint there. I'm debating staining the shelving before putting it back up. It would look less college-dorm if I did. Either way, I need more paint before anything else.

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