Thursday, February 08, 2007

Sick (me) & Stupid (CM)

I've been drinking Airborne all day, trying to get rid of this congestion. I think it has a lot to do with walking outside in the mornings and sucking in all that cold dry air. Sadly that isn't going to stop so I'll just have to hope drugs will do the trick. Now that I look at what I've written, I don't know that Airborne is what I really need... it's not really a "you're already sick" kind of thing. It's a "don't get sick" kind of thing. Oh well, can't hurt. But I should stop by the store and get something more drug-like.

Our Production Supervisor is a moron. I sent her an email today telling her to do her job. The production office is supposed to roster clear all the LA union hires and it wasn't getting done. She wrote back to say she'd be happy to do it, but she didn't know in advance who was getting hired. Then she included an article of the Arizona constitution detailing the right-to-work clause. It was about a whole other issue.

My boss wrote back about that in length but my repsonse reiterated my concern about the roster clearance. I told her that someone knew in advance who was getting hired because these people weren't buying their own plane tickets and per the studio, they had to be cleared before they got on the plane. She wrote back again about the right-to-work stuff and I had to reply that she could talk about it all she wanted with my boss, all I needed to know was whether she was going to do the roster checks. I haven't heard anything since.

We are so over this woman. She's making this job harder than it needs to be - we're all having to do our own jobs plus some of hers to make sure things get done right. It's not right that she's making as much as she is.

But so far she's the only really difficult person on the show and if it stays that way, it'll be fine.

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