Thursday, February 22, 2007

Home, Home, Home

I'm flying home tomorrow night and I'm very happy about that (so happy that I stayed late at work so I could do online check-in and print out my boarding pass right at the 24 hour mark).

I have appointments to get the taxes done and to get my hair done but best of all will be seeing the husband, the dog, and the kitties. I've really been homesick for them lately and need them near me. I have to be careful to not pack the short time home with chores and crap. That's a bad tendency of mine. I want to do the minimum outside the house then spend as much time as possible just being with them.

Anyway, I've got my pass and it's time to go home and sleep. T has Handsome tonight so I should rest easy, unless I'm too excited about the trip...

I am thinking of going brown with the hair instead of red...

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