Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Phoenix Security

I was about to go home until I heard the best story...

We have 3 different security companies on this show, working in various places. There have been issues with all of them - mainly not showing up for a shift. But there is one guy who takes the cake.

During his shift last night, he "finds" the keys to the picture car (a Cadillac) and decides to take it to Burger King. On his way back from BK he gets pulled over because the Caddy doesn't have license plates. The cops discover he has a warrant for something and he gets arrested and the car is impounded. Fuzzy on the details here, but he gets released and goes back to work. Upon his return, he decides to go into the director's trailer and raid the craft service then crawl into bed. He eats the loot, leaving the wrappers under the covers, and takes a nap.

The transpo coord finds the guy this morning still asleep in the trailer. The guy yells at the coord for not having plates on the car, blaming him for getting pulled over. When they finally get down to the impound to claim the Caddy, they discover the hubcaps have all been stolen. And it's full of BK wrappers...

As the husband says "Phoenix - proving Darwin wrong."

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