Monday, December 12, 2005

Friends Shouldn't Make Friends Cry

On the way home from work last Thursday, I decided to call Sped. I had gotten a really random text message meant for Isaac ("Isaac thanks 4 caring but I'm done and that means 4 U 2 leave my family alone. I don't need or want U 2 go over to my grandma's and cause more drama. U started it and now I'm finished and I've moved on. Oh yeah U got Up bear back and U proved that U can B more of an asshole") and it spooked me. I replied that they had the wrong number ("wrong # ass") and about 2 minutes later, my phone rang. It was a private number and I chose not to answer it - I figured once they heard my message, they'd realize I wasn't Isaac and they'd need to resend their message. Now I wish I had answered, because I don't understand what they meant by the "bear back' comment (unless they meant "bare back" - I know what that means). I also want to text the number and ask if Isaac showed up at Grandma's or not.

Anyway, that's not what this is about.

I had known Sped wasn't feeling well, but I didn't realize until Thursday how sick she was. She's missed a lot of work and hasn't actually been to the office since November 8th. She was diagnosed with Epstein-Barr and was going in on Friday to be tested for MS. You could have knocked me over with a feather. He mom had even come into town to keep her company. Now, I know Sped loves her mother, but they don't always get along. When I heard she was in town I knew how serious it was.

The husband and I had plans for Friday, but I told her I could come down on Saturday if she wanted. We chatted a bit more, then hung up and I went upstairs and cried on the husband's shoulder. He told me to forget about our plans and get my butt down there first thing on Friday. I protested, since he's been getting the short end of the stick when it comes to plans lately, but he wouldn't budge. I called Sped and told her if it was ok, I'd be there on Friday. She acted pretty cool about it, saying I could drive her and her mom to the appointment since her mom can't drive a stick and the appt was kind of far. I found out from her mom later that it made her happy.

So I got up Friday and drove down there. We had a good time and it turns out that she doesn't have MS - which made her mom so happy she ate a Butterfinger. Kind of weird, but it made sense at the time. Friday night, as we were sitting around chatting, I told her she had made me cry. She apologized but I told her not to worry, someday I'd make her cry. Hopefully that won't be for a very long time.

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