Tuesday, April 24, 2007


For some reason, I've been thinking about a woman I met when Sped and I took our 2 week cross-country trip after college graduation.

We were in Berkley staying with a friend of Sped, someone she met while studying/traveling in Europe. One of the housemates was a woman whose greatest desire was to be a homemaker. Her heroes were June Cleaver, Donna Reed, and Betty Crocker. All she wanted was a house with a white picket fence and to cook for her family.

She was a pretty good cook, too. At least the soup she made for us was good. Of course, she didn't call it soup. I'm not sure if I can adequately describe how she said it, but if you were to say soup very loudly, in a higher than normal pitch, and with a rise at the end, you may have it. It was SOUP!!! Maybe kind of like a siren ("woop").

Anyway, I often wonder if she got her wish. I suppose she might if she got off the heroin. Hmm, a heroin-addicted Donna Reed wanna-be; sounds like a movie. But that does explain why it was SOUP!!!

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