Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Status Update: Phx

Did I mention I was in Phoenix? It seems like so long ago since I last wrote anything. I traveled in on Monday and got settled into my apartment, then jumped right into work. It was a bit confused, not really knowing any of the deals, but it's payroll - pretty much always the same. We went out to a great restaurant Monday night and I was going to get the steak tacos but everybody else was ordering them and I hate to duplicate. I ended up with some delicious scallops. I'll get the tacos next time.

The office is a pit - used to be some engine repair shop. By the time I got there it was workable, but they only got desks and chairs the Friday before! And it's usually cold but we have space heaters. Today we got floor lamps so we could turn out the overhead lights. I don't understand how people can spend day after day under those nasty things. I also swiped an ottoman from the costume office next door. They don't come in until tomorrow and they'll never miss it.

The apartments are fine - nothing special but livable. Although I do enjoy the gas fireplace... There's a canal nearby and my boss and I have been walking in the mornings. I know I'll have to find some sort of boot camp soon but it's better than nothing.

So far, everybody in accounting is getting along. Three of us worked on EA so that should be ok. The 4th seems pretty cool and she has the 2nd cutest dog in the world. I'll have to take a pic of her. Foxy was going to be the office dog, but M is allergic to her. We're going to restrict her to "Foxy Fridays". It's not that bad since she has a very shrill bark and tends to go after people who come into the office. Luckily she's all of 10 pounds.

It's getting late and I have to get up to walk. T will kill me if she gets up that early and I don't. But I want to, so it's ok.

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