Thursday, January 11, 2007

Christmas Cards

The husband and I are moving. We sold the condo and bought a townhouse and are in the process of packing everything up. Needing boxes, we did what we always do - raid the dumpsters at the book stores. In so doing, I came upon a box of Christmas cards. The writing on the box indicated they were to be destroyed after receiving credit from the company. The box was taped shut and thrown in the dumpster - no evidence of the store employees having done anything other than that to ensure the "destruction." I scooped up the box and brought it home and found it contained a ton of those really expensive cards - from $5 to $7 each. I sorted thru them and kept everything that was for a generic recipient (which was about 70%). I didn't keep any Hanukah or God cards - didn't want to be a hypocrite.

Anyway, is this wrong? Did I steal these cards? Or am I just recycling? Don't misunderstand me, I'm absolutely planning on sending these things out next year. I'm just wondering if I should be concerned about any ethical/moral aspect.

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