Thursday, October 12, 2006

Boo and Willie

Just got back from set where we had lunch and I passed out paychecks. My boss decided we should go over and see what animals were around today.

One of the trainers brought out Boo, who's a lemur. He was so beautiful, with his black and white fur and his gold eyes. His face reminded me of Sofie's - long snout with whiskers, but if you caught a glimpse of his mouth from below, he has these huge fangs. They're totally hidden from above or straight on. Anyway, Boo wasn't that friendly. We tried to pet him, but he kept chattering at us and it was loud. My boss and I finally got a chance to pet his long tail, but he really didn't want anything to do with anybody. It was his lunch time.

Then another trainer brought out Willie - the 2 year old chimp. He was cute, cute, cute. He started giving everybody he knew hugs, then she had him give the newbies high fives, low fives, and knuckle bumps. That was almost surreal, to get hand jive from a chimp. She had him show us more of his tricks, including "boogie" which involves him standing with one hand on his hip and the other pointing in the air (a la Travolta) and bouncing. It was really cool getting our own little show and he was such a ham, eating it up and starting the clapping if he felt we waited too long on our own. When the tram went by, she turned him around and had him wave and the folks just went nuts. Heads whipped around and cameras popped up all over the place. It was nice of her to do that, because that ride can be a bore.

So I met Boo and Willie and even though Willie was the more charming, I think I still liked Boo better.

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