Monday, August 21, 2006


The husband and I went to the carnival in the park on Saturday night. It was fun, but most of the rides were 2 person minimum and the husband's not a fan of that kind of stuff. Still, I rode one loop ride and we played some games, winning a stuffed tiger and a plastic sword, both of which are displayed in my office. I do wish we had taken Sofie with us but we didn't think dogs would be allowed. Of course, other people had their dogs...

Speaking of dogs, we went to the dog park Sunday evening and a couple of people got into an altercation about poop. I couldn't really make out most of it, but there was one guy (who has abusive dogs) who was confronted about not picking up the poop. It started out in front of us when a guy from the dog park mafia (a group of people who are ALWAYS there and who always sit in a big semi-circle) was talking to the other guy. They wandered over towards the mafia and the next thing I know, some woman from the mafia is screaming and they're cussing at each other. Then they're grappling and she's yelling for someone to call the cops. Then I'm pretty sure she kicked him and then he kicked her and the whole time they're grabbing each other's hands or shirts or wrists (hard to tell - they drew a crowd). They finally got broken up and she's yelling about the cops and how he can't just punch her in the face and he's walking back to his litttle clique cussing and muttering. We saw her on the phone, but the cops didn't show while we were there and the 2 groups pretty much stayed away from each other. I really don't know anything more than that but the guy's dogs are going to get "accidentally" kicked one day if they don't start behaving better - they really are bullies and Sofie usually ends up under my chair or in my lap if they're around.

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