Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Tense Tuesday

Yesterday work was a little tense. I backtracked with my assistant to paperwork and the details of who gets what and when. The studio gets certain pieces, the payroll company gets certain pieces, different things get copied and then we keep the copy or the original depending... it's a lot to remember. I don't think she took notes at the time but I checked some of her work and it was good.

But I don't know how this is going to work out. I will just have to let her do the work and figure it out. I tried talking to her about the training itself but it didn't get anywhere. She didn't have much to say and gave me nothing to work with. I'm just going to have to hope she figures it out sooner rather than later.

In other news, if you order a salad in WV it comes with french fries in it. Not with it, but IN it. 

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