Wednesday, May 07, 2008


I'm still in Boston (Woburn to be precise). The weather is starting to warm up but it rains on the weekends. I drove to Old Orchard Beach Maine this past Saturday to check out a dog park for Sofie but no one was there and the place was still shut for the season. It was a lot like Pigeon Forge in the winter.

I'm working 6 days a week and it's tiring. I haven't been to the gym in I don't know how long but I made an appointment with a trainer for tomorrow morning so that's that.

I haven't met anybody famous yet. I've met a couple of the actors but it's no one I recognized. I'm hoping to meet BW as one of his driver's likes Sofie.

There's a lot of drama on this show but it's not anything to do with big names - just interoffice crap that makes the day go by that much longer.

I'll write more soon. Going home now.

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