Sunday, May 25, 2008

Actors and Extras

We had to send 3 extras home this past week (all of the were models) for the following reasons:

1) The first one looked nothing like his headshot
2) The second one had, according to the costume department, the largest ass of any male model they'd ever seen.
3) The third one had a herpes wound on his face the size of his face.

Harsh business.

But I have to say the funniest thing I saw all week was the headshot for #38. There's a wall in every production office where they post the headshots of all the cast as they are hired. I like to check it out as I walk by, looking to see if they got anyone I recognize and evaluating everyone - some look really young or some shots are kinda cheesy. This past week, I was putting something on Monte's desk and glancing over the new additions when I stopped dead in my tracks and just stared. The clerk was watching, waiting for my reaction. When I had stood there a few seconds, she says "number 38?" and laughed.

The guy is totally buff, naked from the waist up, arms crossed over his chest in a tough-guy stance. But he's wearing mime makeup and white gloves and a black beret... WTF? I need to scan the pic in and post it. It's hilarious.

Anyway, I need to get to bed. It's not a long weekend for me and I have to work tomorrow. I went in a bit yesterday and today so it wouldn't be so bad, though. I'm hoping it's a good week so I can go to the Duran Duran concert on Wednesday night, but I'm doubting it.

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