Thursday, November 01, 2007

Payday Surprise

Today is Thursday which is payday for the film industry. Our checks were ready early so I called the different off-production departments and told them to come and get 'em. The Special Effects department called back to ask if there was anything we needed from them and I said "roses, any color" then asked Colin what he wanted (fireworks). The SPFX Foreman joked about bringing Colin a 16lb bomb - I have no clue what that actually is but said we'd take it out into the parking lot and blow it up.

When the SPFX PA showed up, he had a dozen red carnations in a beautiful bouquet for me! Some people look down on carnations but to me, a flower is a flower and they are all pretty. I got a coffee can out of the trash (no vases) and cut the stems down. It's sitting on the file cabinet and it's really nice - makes me feel appreciated.

Now if I could just get that actor I helped on the phone to cough up...

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