Tuesday, November 20, 2007

1909-2007 JRT

Well, Granny passed away on Thursday morning and it's been non-stop since then. The husband called me around 9:15am and told me the news. I started looking for plane tickets, tried to find a dog-sitter (ended up calling the kennel), called the cat-sitter, called the funeral home, and found a replacement for myself at work. All this while trying to finish getting paychecks out. Thank dog my assistant is good at his job - I'd have never made it without him.

We took the red-eye back east and basically ended up being awake for over 24 hours. Took a short nap when we got in then drove down to the funeral home. It's a blessing she lived in a small Southern town because they did so much to help us out. We finally figured out where her first husband was buried (in her family plot since her parents outlived him). There was a spot left open for her so that's where she went. Otherwise she would have been buried head-to-head with her daughter which might not have gone over so well...

Anyway, we picked out a casket and a suit, wrote the obituary and arrainged for the service. It took less than an hour.

Time to go home and crash now - more tomorrow.

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