Friday, September 15, 2006

Paraguay 9/14/06

An email from my brother:

Good Morning!

Hope the world is good for you today. In Paraguay the clouds are coming in and it is expected to cool down a little. Not sure how cool. Yesterday afternoon we toured the hospital. It is a 45 minute drive from the hotel and is on a military base where the hospital is not used. This is my idea of a military. All the uniforms, a calvary, very nice police ground and no killing people.

We returned to a meeting where we all were introduced to the members of team Paraguay and then to a dinner in one of the 5 restaurants at the resort. Dinner was similar to a "charssussaria"(sic)where a small salad and fruit buffet complimented coal fired brazziers that were brought to your table. On each were grilled steaks, sausages, blood sausage, ribs, chicken, a pork. At the main table were 7 or 8 chutneys with which to cover the meat. Very good idea, similar to a Brazilian steak house. I went to bed around 11 after reading Jeffery Sachs book " How To End Poverty". I will let you know how it goes.

Today after breakfast and the team meeting we head to the military grounds and the hospital to start screening. We are expecting between 350 and 400 children today and they are all staying in a covered tent on the grounds until they find out if they qualify. If accepted and they live away they will stay in the military gym. Maybe Rumsfeld should look into this as early recruitment!

I will take a lot of pictures and show them when I return. Have a good day and try to enjoy all the things that will happen to you today.

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