Monday, February 06, 2012

Catch Up

Sorry to have been away so long. I find that FB satisfies my immediate need to post what is going on in my world but it does tend to get me in trouble. Anyway, I am unemployed again, having finished work on the show in Richmond - the one about the bearded, stove-pipe-hat wearing president. The work wasn't particularly hard but I was not a fan of most of the people I worked with. I really hope to never work with most of them again. There were a couple, though, that made it bearable.

Wasn't a huge fan of Richmond, either. I think part of that is due to where we lived. If we had lived in a more historic area, or Carytown, it probably would have left a better impression on me. But I loved D.C. and would go back there in a heartbeat!

We did a lot of site-seeing on our way east this time. We had intended to take a week but ended up taking two (a story for another post). But most of it was really good and I'm glad we ended up with the time to do it. We started in Flagstaff, saw Meteor Crater, stopped to see the James Garner statue in Oklahoma, went to the Arkansas diamond mines, visited Hot Springs, saw the Cumberland Gap, and more. I'm probably going to have to look through my pics to remember them all.

As it is, I've got some time off before my next job, which I don't actually have lined up yet. The current hot lead is New Orleans (again). We'll see. I need to file my unemployment and get on with the purge that we started last year. And I need to get my tax stuff together, especially if we end up going out of town again!

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