Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Part II

We don't know how or why, but Darby got better. She figured out that we weren't trying to kill her and stopped trying to reciprocate. Can't say she actually started "playing" but blood stopped flowing so freely. We didn't even have to extend the deadline.

Sometime during all of this, we decided that Darby was Russian. Something about the way her eyes looked, a straight line across the top, made us think Soviet. So ever since she's been a loyal member of the Communist party and often threatens to put her cat brothers up against the wall for various infractions.

Darby and her brothers never did get along. Baxter was the worst for tormenting her - lying in wait and then jumping her. And then she'd turn around and kick Quincy's ass because he was a wuss.

But she did tolerate the dog fairly well. 

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