Saturday, August 14, 2010

It's Been Awhile...

I stopped posting when I started really using my Facebook account. It's been fun but there are too many people from work on there for me to really vent about stuff. So I think I'm going to start posting here again.

I'm working, as usual. I finished the show in Nashville, came home, and started right away on the next one. The original title of that was Fuck Buddy but they're changing it - not sure what the final title will be but I'm sure it won't be R rated. Both the shows were fine - nothing too exciting happened that I can remember at the moment.

We remodeled the bathrooms and they are gorgeous but expensive. Hopefully it will help when we finally decide to sell. Nothing else on my list has gotten done and probably won't until after this current show is over. Well, maybe I could do some painting but that's about it. I really just need to clean the frickin' house.

But that's it for now. I need to get some sleep.


Erdedo said...

Glad you're blogging again! I always love hearing what you're up to!

blusurfer said...

YAY! I do actually check this space!