Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I've Been Sick

I've been sick and my boss sent me home early on Wednesday and Thursday and told me not to come in on Friday. So I spent most of the weekend sleeping and resting around and between my basic chores. I finally went to the doctor on Saturday because any exertion left me breathless and sweaty. I have an infection, most likely bacterial since it's responding to antibiotics. I also have an inflamed chest wall from all the coughing I did earlier in the week - that's what's causing the shortness of breath. So I have meds for that and an inhaler to keep me from coughing. Lovely.

I was supposed to go home early yesterday, too but I had to wait until I got my payroll in and it was my assistant's first day and I didn't leave until 6 (which technically is early). I feel better today but that's how it usually goes.. I'll have to see if I lose steam as the day progresses.

Got a lot to do to get ready to go. Have to check the weather reports for the southern route and clean and do laundry and pack and et al. I'm not worried - it'll all get done. I know I'm going for 6 months but I don't have to take my entire life with me. They have laundry and stores on the east coast. Anyway, this morning is take the cats to the groomers. Should be fun trying to round them all up.

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