Sunday, November 08, 2009

What's Next?

Did I mention I'm going to Nashville for my next job? And that I don't have any time off between? What am I thinking? Well, I'll be close to my parents and will be able to visit every weekend if I want. It's also keeping the money coming in which is important if we're going to redo both of the upstairs bathrooms and the kitchen (apparently it's still pretty slow in LA). And if the timing works out, I may get onto a Hugh Jackman movie afterward.

The only other interesting possibility I've seen is a job in Croatia and Budapest which I would consider if I hadn't been in Boston since May. I'm ready for an easy show and to go home...

I do get to go home for Christmas hiatus. I have to drive with Sofie so I won't get as much home time as I'd like, but I'm hoping to get down to see Sped and Dilly and Dan for at least a day. I have to find out if they are traveling.

1 comment:

Erdedo said...

Well, I love that you will be in Nashville and hope that I will get to see you. I'm sure your family is happy too. Keep us posted when you might be in!