Saturday, August 16, 2008

2 Day Weekend

This is my first 2 day weekend in probably 4+ months. Today M and I went to Bunker Hill and climbed the 294 steps to the top of the monument. I really need to get back to the gym... The view was spectacular, even through the smallish windows. Hard to believe that as high as we were was where the hill used to be. They took all the dirt to fill in the bay and make more land -the map at the museum that shows the before and after was incredible.

Next we went to Harvard Square where I got some rain boots I'd been lusting after. I didn't get them when I first saw them because it doesn't rain much in LA, but I should have since it's rained 2 or 3 days a week here in Boston. Watch it not rain anymore...

We then drove through suburban Boston out to Lexington, Walden Pond, and Concord. It was nice to be outside on a beautiful day.

After dinner we picked up the Sof from doggie day care and came home. I did some laundry, drank a beer, talked to the husband, downloaded my pics, and finished a book. Now Sofie and I are going to bed. Tomorrow I may go with M to Connecticut but then again I may nap all day.

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