Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Star Sighting

The husband and I went over the hill to Amoeba Music on Sunday. I went to look for the new Rush cd while he went upstairs to check out the dvd's and replace our lost copy of Shakespeare in Love. When I got upstairs, I found myself 3 feet from Kevin Smith. He was looking at the dvd's, too. I noted his presence, thinking I finally had something interesting to blog about, then went off to find a used copy of YM&D. The husband and I wandered around a bit, picked up Gojira and Charlie Chan volume 2 then went down to pay. We ended up following KS down the stairs, where he was stopped at the bottom and asked for an autograph. As the husband noted, the glasses worked for a while but people started recognizing him. Anyway, KS went one way and we went another and we still ended up right behind him in line. That's where we spotted Snakes and even though I'm not sure I have a credit, we picked up a used copy. The husband warned me he was going to have to separate my movies from his collection so people wouldn't think he actually watched that crap ("Crap Movies the Wife Worked On" as opposed to "Quality Viewing Chosen By the Husband"). Whatever.

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