Tuesday, May 08, 2007

2nd Day, New Show

I started my new show yesterday (Lakeview Terrace). I'm not really off that damned KIA as I'm still fixing things and doing a bit a payroll but I'm in my new office and that counts.

It's weird working for a different studio, having to learn their policies and procedures. I have to say I don't really like it, but I do need to branch out a bit. Working for one studio all the time only gets you screwed in the end.

I had to step away and look at the fire - Griffith Park over by I5 is burning and the smoke cloud is amazing. It's not anywhere near us damage-wise, but we have a great view of the flames and the water choppers.

Anyway, I'm not happy about being in the dark about stuff, but I ask questions and try to learn. It'll be ok. I can do the payroll already and that's the majority of the job. The paper-pushing can be learned.

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