Sunday, April 30, 2006


This is Ralph, the transpo dog. I'm not sure how old he is, but old enough to have some problems with his back legs. He's a real sweetheart, but he does drool. The transpo office is across the hall from mine, next to locations. They'd been letting him hang out in the office, but for some reason they stuck him outside on Friday - chained him to one of the posts. The poor boy cried and stared in the door most of the day. I lost what respect I had for his owner because of that. He's has the habit of walking up to me and putting his head against my knees so I can scratch behind his ears. It must have felt particularly good one day because he nearly toppled over when I stopped. He's a good boy and I'm going to sneak him treats. I'm hoping he'll get along with Sofie and that she's not too rambunctious for him.

1 comment:

neek said...

awww so cute