Friday, April 07, 2006

Late Nite

Just finished watching the new Charlie and the Choc Factory. What were they thinking? It's got some good bits, but it's nothing compared to the Gene Wilder version. Of course, it's still better than the new Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. That one totally sucked - makes you wonder if they bothered to even read the book before they sat down and wrote it or if they just cribbed something together from internet chat rooms and old reviews.

Anyway, I finished The Kitchen Boy last night. It was very good. They set it up so you think you know what's going to happen, then they throw a couple of twists in that make it even better. I did kind of guess one, but the other was a shock. I'm definitely going to read the next in the series, but I think I'll put it off by one. Not sure what's next, too late to start anything tonight.

Have to say, I got another tattoo tonight. It's a couple of flowers on my right thumb. Didn't hurt too bad when it was done, but it's kind of sore now with the bandage rubbing on it. I decided to get it for one reason: I needed a visual reminder of the fact that whenever I choose to go overboard with my eating (binge eating, really) it's never worth it. The food never tastes as good as I think it will and I usually get sick. But I never remembered that when the next urge to binge came on. At first I was going to get "NWI" for never worth it, but when I went in and looked around, I realized I didn't want to have to explain or avoid explaining what it meant. So I got the flowers. I'll post a pic after I take the bandage off and it heals up. It'll be my first truly visible tat. Yeah!

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