Thursday, March 23, 2006

New People & Sick Kitties

Sometimes, the best part about this job is getting to meet and work with new people every 6 months or so. It can also make it difficult until you get to know them and find out how they operate. I'm in that uncomfortable phase right now where I'm trying to fit in, but don't know the players. It'll get better - it always does.

The husband took Darby to the vet this morning. She's been sneezing and wheezing for a few days now and we weren't sure if it was a cold or what. The vet thinks it's just allergies and gave her a cortisone shot and an antibiotic shot. Not a happy kitty - apparently the vet tech commented that they should stretch Darby out before giving her the shots because she was feisty and strong. Good catch, lady! But we'll have to see how she does and if it doesn't get better, she'll have to go home with Sofie and her dad.

Here's an odd coincidence - the vet is going out of town today to visit his son, who is an agent at CAA and his other son is the assistant to a director. Small world. You never know who you're going to meet.

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