Tuesday, February 01, 2005

GI Joe Taken Hostage!

There some idiot militant group claiming to have captured an American soldier and there's video to prove it. Except for the fact the soldier in question is a plastic 12" action figure, possibly named Cody. How stupid do they think we are? I mean, I know our leadership looks and acts like a badly trained monkey, but come on, we have 10 year-old kids with their parents' super-8 cameras who can fake an alien invasion better than that.

Speaking of monkeys, I don't like 'em. Chimps and gorillas are ok and I can deal with orangs, too. But the rest of them, not interested. Nasty creepy little things. Always look like they're trying to figure out how to get out of their cages and pluck out your eyeballs. I skip right past them at the zoo.

Finally got my birthday card from my parents. It came today, but the neighbor got it in her box by mistake. I'm glad they didn't forget. Now I can call and tell them I got it, cause I didn't say anything yesterday in case they hadn't sent one. Why they wouldn't, I don't know, but it wasn't the best birthday and I was feeling pessimistic.

Since I'm officially back on track(!), breakfast was kidney beans and string cheese. I wanted to cook an egg, but could barely get out of bed. Maybe tomorrow...

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