Friday, February 10, 2012


I'm trying to find a house/cat sitter since we're going back to New Orleans for work. It's a pain in the ass. I posted on FB and several people have written and asked for info, which I send them, then I never hear from them again. Or they can't commit to the full 4 months. Um, why would I want to tag-team a house-sitting position? I did finally get one person who may not flake out on me - we'll know more on Monday from her.

I did go ahead and post on the website we usually use. I don't know how many messages I've gotten yet but we'll have to start weeding through those. It's a bit of a pain in the ass as well but has to be done.

At some point we're going to be down to just one cat and we'll take it with us. And if we get a new cat I'm going to leash train it. I still want a second dog but the husband thinks it's a bad idea to get a dog and then go on location. I can see his point but I think that the dog will adjust to the change in environment knowing that it's with its new pack. But it has to be a joint decision. So that will wait until we get home in July. It's not like there aren't going to be dogs that need homes in July...

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